Yes thnx for your response. THe reason i'm not doing it in C++ is that i havne' learnt it 'YET'. I learn C first because C++ originated FROM C, and also, C++ hides some of the data type complexities.
Well, I haven't learned or even looked at C, but from my little experience with programming I'd suggest to just go to C++ instead of learning C. I programmed in PASCAL for a few weeks back in November, then I stopped for unknown reasons (I don't remember why). Sometime later I started to learn C++, and I'm very glad I decided to stop learning PASCAL and started to learn C++. In my opinion, there doesn't seem to be much point in learning C when you are going to learn C++ anyways. That's just my opinion, and I'm sure others might disagree.

Also i don't plan to use any win32 api at the moment.
Oh yes, I figured that. Don't feel too bad...I'm not using win32 API either or any other API for that matter.

You said buy a book. Buy a book on games ? Did you mean that? Do you have any suggestions on a boook about game programming in C? I don't think there are any i think. And i'm still reading C Unleashed at the moment.
Well, I was implying for you to buy a book on C or C++ (as said before I recommend C++) or for you to go read some of the tutorials on this site. If you are unaware of how to use functions, then you are not ready to program a game yet...sorry to say that. I don't actually know your level experience, but it does appear that you may not be ready to create a game yet. A few basic things that you will need to know are functions, arrays, and other basic aspects of programming in order for you to make a game. While games such as, Tic-Tac-Toe, battleship, Connect Four, and others, may be considred 'easy' games to make they are still hard to make the first time around. You are in tough luck to make one of those games if you don't know the basics of programming.

thnx again for all replies.
No problem.