C: Hi there!

*awaits reply*

Q: How are you today? ^.^

*awaits reply*

A1: Awesome!
A2: Aww, keep smiling okay?
A3: Aha... yup... k... Hey I-.... yup.... Oh you don't say... ^^;

So here's me, no experience with programming and all that jazz, so please, if you're gonna get all impatient talking to someone who's totally lost to your geniusnesses, I would suggest you ignore this thread thingy.

On a brighter note, please feel free to use any jargon that I won't understand. I'll try my best to make sense of it. A guy's gotta start somewhere right? ^.^

And down to business... where to start... I would like to create a game, it will be quite in depth as far as gameplay goes, so I WILL need to learn alot of programming stuffs I know.

So I'm told, I gots ta get a game engine to make a game?

What I would like to know which one I should get.

I'll try to answer as many of the questions I think you might ask me haha! ^.^

I don't have money to invest in the game engine or servers or anything. Need freeware

Game type will be a MMORPG (end result), different game engines support more players or some such right?
I'm not fussed about having heaps of people playing the game for the time being, just want to start working on it. So no need for servers and stuff yet I think...

Texturing and stuff will be quite basic), not really caring about massively realistic dynamics and high end graphics. Hoping that the end result will run on basic computers (sorry I can't define basic computers, as I don't know much about them). But I would like to have some goodness like reflections on the water's surface and stuff, shadows... texturing and rendering are not my strong points. Would like to be able to use normal maps and bump maps and stuff

I will be making all my assets and animations using Maya, so I would need to be able to import them... Can I make the rigs and animations in Maya though?

Textures will mainly be images I make in PS, I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem...

So yeah, basically I need a game engine that I can make a world on.

Will need some basic physics dynamics possible too, collisions and gravity and things.

Also, if I use a game engine to make a game and then I need to change engines to allow for more players or something, will I have to start from scratch with all the programming stuffs? Or will I be able to recycle it all?

Yes I realize what I want to do is virtually impossible and usually requires many people and lots of moneys.

Yes I know I am insane.

So can anyone point me in the right direction to get started?

