I have this combat program and if the monsters hitpoints hit 0 or -# on the players swing, it always fires off 1 more monster swing before victory is declared and i cant seem to find whats wrong, ive tried else if, and ive tried adding another tier of if else and still nothing and its driving me nuts lol

int CombatZombie()
	mciSendString("stop C:/KingdomOfMythos/Midi/MythosMusic1.mid" ,NULL,0,NULL); // Open Midi Music	
	mciSendString("stop C:/KingdomOfMythos/Midi/MythosIntro.mid" ,NULL,0,NULL); // Open Midi Music
	mciSendString("stop C:/KingdomOfMythos/Midi/MythosInn.mid" ,NULL,0,NULL); // Open Midi Music
	mciSendString("play C:/KingdomOfMythos/Midi/MythosCombat1.mid" ,NULL,0,NULL); // Open Midi Music	
	//Initialize function
	int ExperienceCalculator();
	// Strings and extra variables
	string MonsterName = "Zombie";  // Monster name or type
	char NextRound;  // Continue to next combat cycle

	// Monster variables
	int MonsterLevel = 1;
	int MonsterHitPoints = 10;
	int MonsterAttack = 6;
	int MonsterDefense = 3;
	int MonsterHitRate = 50;

	// Temporary player variables to check for equipment
	int TempPlayerAttack = PlayerAttack + PlayerWeapon;
	int TempPlayerDefense = PlayerDefense + PlayerArmorShield + PlayerArmorBody + PlayerArmorLegs + PlayerArmorHands + PlayerArmorFeet;
	// Monster damage variables using rand
	// Also subtracts player defense from monsters damage
	int LowMonster = 2;
	int HighMonster = MonsterAttack - TempPlayerDefense;

	// Player damage variables using rand
	// Also subtraces monster defense from players damage
	int LowPlayer = 2;
	int HighPlayer = TempPlayerAttack - MonsterDefense;

	// Variable to see if player or monster land a blow
	int PlayerHitCheck = 0;
	int MonsterHitCheck = 0;

	// Player % chance to hit high and low
	int PlayerHitLow = 1;
	int PlayerHitHigh = 100;

	// Monster % chance to hit high and low
	int MonsterHitLow = 1;
	int MonsterHitHigh = 100;

	// Player & Monster damage results die 1 + die 2
	int MonsterDamageResults = 0;
	int PlayerDamageResults = 0;

	//Variables to hold random values for the first and the second die on each roll.
	int first_die, sec_die;

	//Declare variable to hold seconds on clock.
	time_t seconds;
	//Get value from system clock and place in seconds variable.
	//Convert seconds to a unsigned integer.
	srand((unsigned int) seconds);
	cout << "You encounter a Level 1 Zombie. Prepare to fight!\n";
	cout << "Press <c> and hit enter to continue.\n";
	cin >> NextRound;
	while ( ( PlayerHitPoints >= 1 ) && ( MonsterHitPoints >= 1 ) )
		if ( (MonsterHitPoints >= 1) && (PlayerHitPoints >= 1) )
			cout << "\nStarting combat round between [" << PlayerName <<"] & [" << MonsterName <<"]!\n";
			PlayerHitCheck = rand() % (PlayerHitHigh - PlayerHitLow +1) + PlayerHitLow;
			MonsterHitCheck = rand() % (MonsterHitHigh - MonsterHitLow +1) + MonsterHitLow;
			if (PlayerHitCheck <= 25)
				cout << "" << PlayerName <<" swing's at the " << MonsterName << " and misses!\n";
				cout << "Press <c> and enter to continue to the next combat round.\n";
				cin >> NextRound;
				cout << "" << PlayerName <<" swing's at the " << MonsterName <<" and lands a blow!\n";
				first_die = rand() % (HighPlayer - LowPlayer + 1) + LowPlayer;  // Calculate player damage of first dice roll
				sec_die = rand() % (HighPlayer - LowPlayer +1) + LowPlayer;     // Calculate player damage of second dice roll
				cout << "" << PlayerName <<"'s attack is (" << first_die << ", "
				<< sec_die << "}\n\n";
				PlayerDamageResults = sec_die + first_die; // Calculate total damage done by player
				cout << "" << PlayerName << " hits " << MonsterName << " for " << PlayerDamageResults << " damage.\n";
				MonsterHitPoints = MonsterHitPoints - PlayerDamageResults; // Subtract damage from monsters hitpoints
				cout << "" << PlayerName <<"'s hitpoints are: " << PlayerHitPoints << ".\n";
				cout << "" << MonsterName <<"'s hitpoints are: " << MonsterHitPoints << ".\n";
				cout << "Press <c> and enter to continue to the next combat round.\n";
				cin >> NextRound;
					if (MonsterHitCheck <= 40)
						cout << "" << MonsterName <<" swing's at " << PlayerName << " and misses!\n";
						cout << "Press <c> and enter to continue to the next combat round.\n";
						cin >> NextRound;
						cout << "" << MonsterName <<" swing's at " << PlayerName <<" and lands a blow!\n";
						first_die = rand() % (HighMonster - LowMonster + 1) + LowMonster; // Calculate monster damage of first dice roll
						sec_die = rand() % (HighMonster - LowMonster + 1) + LowMonster;   // Calculate monster damage of second dice roll
						cout << "" << MonsterName <<"'s attack is (" << first_die << ", "
						<< sec_die << "}\n\n";
						MonsterDamageResults = sec_die + first_die; // Calculate total damage done by monster
						cout << "" << MonsterName <<" hits " << PlayerName <<" for " << MonsterDamageResults << " damage.\n";
						PlayerHitPoints = PlayerHitPoints - MonsterDamageResults; // Subtract damage from players hitpoints
						cout << "" << PlayerName <<"'s hitpoints are: " << PlayerHitPoints << ".\n";
						cout << "" << MonsterName <<"'s hitpoints are: " << MonsterHitPoints << ".\n";
						cout << "Press <c> and enter to continue to the next combat round.\n";
						cin >> NextRound;
			{   // If & Else statements in the event a 1 hit kill blow is scored
			if (PlayerHitPoints <= 0)
				cout << "" << PlayerName <<" has died! [GAME OVER]\n\n";
				cout << "Do you wish to reload your saved game? (Currently Unsupported)\n\n";
				cin >> NextRound;
				cout << "" << MonsterName <<" has died! [VICTORY!]\n\n";
				cout << "You find 8 gold pieces on the " << MonsterName <<"!\n";
				cout << "You gain 10 experience points!\n";
				PlayerGold = PlayerGold + 8;               // Award player gold
				PlayerExperience = PlayerExperience + 10;  // Award player experience
				cout << "" << PlayerName <<"'s Current Experience: "<< PlayerExperience <<"\n";
				cout << "" << PlayerName <<"'s Total Gold Pieces: "<< PlayerGold <<"\n\n";
				cout << "Press <c> and hit enter to continue.\n";
				cin >> NextRound;
	}       // If & Else statements end of combat cycle
	if ( (PlayerHitPoints <=0) && ( MonsterHitPoints >=1) )
		cout << "" << PlayerName <<" has died! [GAME OVER]\n\n";
		cout << "Do you wish to reload your saved game? (Currently Unsupported)\n\n";
		cin >> NextRound;
		cout << "" << MonsterName <<" has died! [VICTORY!]\n\n";
		cout << "You find 8 gold pieces on the " << MonsterName <<"!\n";
		cout << "You gain 10 experience points!\n";
		PlayerGold = PlayerGold + 8;               // Award player gold
		PlayerExperience = PlayerExperience + 10;  // Award player experience
		cout << "" << PlayerName <<"'s Current Experience: "<< PlayerExperience <<"\n";
		cout << "" << PlayerName <<"'s Total Gold Pieces: "<< PlayerGold <<"\n\n";
		cout << "Press <c> and hit enter to continue.\n";
		cin >> NextRound;
	mciSendString("stop C:/KingdomOfMythos/Midi/MythosCombat1.mid" ,NULL,0,NULL); // Open Midi Music
	return 0;