- How many lines of code would such games have?
Depends on whether or not the company is using a 3rd party engine or not. But I would say on average it would not be over-exaggerating to say well over a million or 2 million lines of code. That would also be including script code.

- How many coders are usually on such a project at the same time?
Depends on if the game is developed by an Indie company or some well-known studio. Well-known studios tend to throw more man power at a project thinking more = better which, as we all know, is not true. I would say anywhere from 50 to 100 at a large studio and maybe 25 to 50 at a small one. That is including artists, PM's, and so forth. Actual game programmers and/or engine programmers probably could be counted on two hands.

- How many lines of code is every programmer expected to write per day?
I doubt this is a requirement at any company. K-LOCs mean nothing in an object oriented language. Usually I would assume you are assigned a portion of the project and given milestones and deadlines for it.

- How many months does it take to write such a game?
If the company is using a 3rd party engine and has to alter it minimally to get the game working the way they want then most of the code is scripting. The assets such as art, models, sounds, music, etc. will take up the bulk of the time. It would not be impossible to produce such a title in about a year. Most big releases, however, take many years to develop. That is not an indication of whether or not the final product is actually all that good.