
I know the "roterating ship" kinda uses about the same algorithm, but there were some factors there I didn't understand.
Also, sorry if the title is bad...

Well, I have one character class that has a vector of it's position.
This character has a function that moves it towards a position pointer, and I want the fastest and still nice looking algorithm for for this to happen.
What I mean is that the position pointer might change, thus the character needs to change where to move... I do have an algorithm myself, that I understand, but I believe it would be too slow, as the code runs a million times in the minute, and this algorithm makes a new direction each time... (I did describe it in the rotating ship thread)

So has anyone got any advice?

hgeVector m_hVec_position;

void MoveRelative(const hgeVector &position_, const float speed_){

	hgeVector* p_position = &position_;

that's what I've got so far :S
hope I was clear...

Thanks in advance!