Hi guys, im making a little simulator but I need to do two things - line of sight detection and collision detection.

What I have is a GDI+ application and a few rectangles to symbolise an obstacle. The "player" is a circle and moves with the arrow keys. The objective is to keep out of sight of the "enemies".

To detect if there is a line of sight what I wanted to do was draw a line from the player to the enemy and see if that line intersects any of the rectangular obstacles, but unfortunately I dont know how I would do this. Neither point can ever be inside the rectangle so I cant just do a simple check like that. So how would I check if the line intersects the obstacle?

And my other question is how to do circle-square intersection detection. If the player walks forwards I want to check if the circle player intersects any of the rectangular obstacles, and prevent them walking that way so that they dont go through it - simple collision detection.

Also it would help if I could do circle-circle intersections so that if I add a second enemy, they dont walk over each other, but this is an addition and not necessary.

So can anyone help me or point me to a tutorial on how I would detect these 2 or 3 kinds of intersections? I only need to know how to do them in 2D space.
