I have written a program to draw the mandelbrot set .. again ..

the first time I used a zoom that left the size of the sdl screen the same and it works fine ..

this time I wanted to be able to use two mousebutton clicks high left to low right and have the screen redrawn to those dimensions. I use a multiplier so the screen stays a relative size.

the program works fine when it first draws the set but when I use two mousebutton events to zoom into the set it redraws the screen ok but no set.

I put in lots of printf statements to try and find out where the code was faiiling but as far as I can tell it should be working ..

I have the code and a trial run results at http://rafb.net/p/pA2Br552.html so if someone can spot what I have done wrong I would appreciate it.

again all comments welcome .. Im in a learning phase so its all good ..

thanks al.