I have no idea. I down load Borland Compiler, opened freecomandlinetools.exe. It created C:\Borland\Bcc55, with bin, lib, include....subfolders. Followed instruction to creat file bcc32.cfg with 2 lines .....This is where I lost.

. From the bin directory of your installation:
a. Add "c:\Borland\Bcc55"
to the existing path
b. Create a bcc32.cfg file which will set
the compiler options for the Include
and Lib paths (-I and -L switches to
compiler) by adding these lines:
c. Create an ilink32.cfg file which will set
the linker option for the Lib path by
adding this line:

Please tell me step-by-step how to create the bcc32.cfg file and add those line in. I trully appreciate very much, and forgive my stupidity.