Actually, "continue" is convenient to use, for example, in a for:next loop, when you want the loop to iterate again without executing some additional code within the loop.

As for 'goto', the primary reason to use goto is for peformance. In many cases you can eliminate a test entirely or have an algorithm be much tighter and more direct by judicious use of a goto.

There is nothing wrong with either one. To say you should never use either one is like telling someone they should never pick their nose because it looks uncouth. Well I'm sorry, but there _is_ an appropriate time to pick your nose. Period. End of Discussion.

[rant = on]

I just wish a portion of people on this board would spend a little more time actually getting concepts and understanding what is going on in the machine, as opposed to getting hung up on truly pointless hyperbole. I watch too many people get "lost" on syntactic, grammatic, and "purist" issues, and they never actually get to concentrate on what's important: implementing _logic_.

Because that's what development is really about-- implementing logic in software.