Originally posted by vVv
[code]It's not hard to redesign proof-of-concept snippets. What would you do if further condition(s) occur while processing (i.e you can't add an ``&& other_condition'' to the first check), that render the rest of the code useless and require you to stop? Would you really want to make all that nested if-checks (which decreases readability), redesign that or simply use a quick continue? If you'd choose the second option, how would you do it?
We aren't talking about self-modifying code here. Once compiled, your program is done. All checks are finished, unless it's a scriptible application, in which case, this whole point is moot anyway.

As such, there is no scenario I can envision where your example would be valid. Furthremore, why couldn't I just add another && sitution?

This isn't a holy war over the evils of continue. By all means, do whatever you want. Just make your code readable and clear so the next person that has to maintain your code knows what the hell is going on. That's the whole point.

In everything you code, make sure the next idiot that follows you knows what's going on. Code as if an idiot is going to have to read your code after you're done with it.
