This doesn't sound good. I can see it leading to some very messy source code.

Originally posted by Sorensen
>.NET is a group of objects which fits into any language that supports objects? what makes c# different than c++.NET?

No, each language is compiled into the immediate language. In order to do this the language must have certain properties. Managed C++ and C# are two different languages that will both compile to MSIL, but when they are actually compiled into native exe's the compiler doesn't care which language was used to generate the MSIL.

Therefore, you can mix and match the different languages in a project, and as the final exe isn't compiled until it's on the host machine it can take advantage of things like specialised processor instructions that may vary from one PC to another. In theory the code could produce a different exe if it was run on a Pentium II rather than a Pentium IV.