Some questions that arised when reading the posts.

1. Can anyone tell me if .NET is something applicable for embedded systems? I guess not, but perhaps someone has a different opinion.

2. I understand from nvoigt's posting that that every language that uses .NET can use it's framework. As far as I know, a language is nothing but a language. What is then meant by "a language which uses .NET"?

3. I also understand that it is a Microsoft product. Will other OS'es be able to use .NET? I guess so, since if Microsoft wants it to be a standard, it should be open and available for other OS'es.

>Mods, don't close this thread, but please delete that post above >this one. (brian's) and then this post.

Let this thread stay open and let us accept each other's opinion. Though I must say that Brian makes a point. If .NET will be a closed thing, who will extend .NET?

It's just like Bluetooth developments. Ericsson decided to make Bluetooth an open standard so everyone can read its specifications and make use of it. I think that's the best way to make a technology a standard. If they would hide it and only use it by themselves, I think Bluetooth technology would quickly die.