Hello, I'm fairly new to the C# world. What am I saying? I'm pretty new to coding all around and I've ran into a problem I have had to luck figuring out. So...

My first C# application is a simple RSS reader. I have most of the stuff done for it besides the TreeView. I cannot seem to figure out how to get this TreeView to grab data from my database and then display it in a certian way.

The tree view in the end should look like this:

| --- RSS Channel
         -- Channel Feed 1
            -- Channel Feed 2
| --- RSS Channel 2
         -- Channel Feed 1
Folder 2
| --- RSS Channel
         -- Channel Feed 1
| --- RSS Channel 2
         -- Channel Feed 1
            -- Channel Feed 2
Ok so I have three folders in my database: Folders, Feeds, and NewsItems. The folders in the tree view will call the database table Folders, the rss channels will call data from the Feeds table and finally the channel feeds will call data from the NewsItems table.

How would I go about doing this? I have predefined values in all tables in the database, I'm not worried about adding new stuff to it yet and have it update. I just need to get it to work.

Thanks for any help you can give.