Disclaimer: I know your going to say just use the Dictionary<> class but I want to know how to do this.

Making a dictionary sounds pretty easy but I get stuck right away. I don't know how to match up the keys and values. I thought of a few methods but I would like your input on how to do this.

Method 1:
Have 2 arrays each holding the keys and values and I could just match them up on there positions in the array. This would require itterating over the keys array everytime I want to find the value though.

Method 2:
Almost the same as method 1 but use 2 List<>. It would work the same way, the key and the value would have the same position in the lists and I could get them easily. I'm not sure if there is really much of a difference between this and the first method.

So what do you guys think I should do?