Now i am not an expert c# programmer but i am learning. please bare with me until i get better but, here is the issue:
i have created a program that uses the axCalendar and when the date is changed i update a textBox with the new axCalendar1._Value. I also added two more textBoxes to this simple form for time conversion. That being said, the issue i am encountering is encapsulated in the time functions. I need to have one textBox referance the totalSeconds and one referance the standard DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay value. I am having alot of trouble trying to accomplish this. I have searched all over for conversion code and samples but, i have not found anything yet.
The program would need to accept one input, lets say "SystemTime_TextBox.Text" (this would be the TotalSeconds box) and Displays the real like readable time in "StandardTime_TextBox.Text" ( hh:mm:ss am/pm), this would need to function on both sides so the end user can enter in either and get the return in the opposite textbox. the issue i am having is in converting between the two types. the inputted time(system) is a decimal value (86400 per 24 hours) adding and subtracting seems to be coded right but, i cannot seem to get the convert back to standard to function. if anyone has maybe some sample code or a link i can try and follow thats all im asking. either way thanks all.