
this is a general debate

I am a good C and java programmer who just learned the existence of c#. and from what I just read, it looks like c# is another interpreted language such as java or .NET but with a different syntaxe. I am getting the feeling that some people are wasting their time.

What's interesting in c# ?

I mean the trend lately has been to develop more and more interpreted languages. Overloading the machine with the interpretors that are - mostly - heavy programs. These have the ugly low speed side-effect and the nice property that all beginners love : writing small code for a "I-do-everything-even-coffee-and-laundry-executables". Plus people get the feeling that in a couple of days they're programming experts - different debate though.

Is c# just another excuse to overload each one's computer (and resume) ?

I mean what do you do with it that you can't already do ? The OOP argument is not accepted here. OOP has nothing to do with the syntaxe of the language, it's a programming style. I can show how to make an object in C, having attributes and methods in a single struct.

So, what improvements or innovation does c# have ?

I am really interested in everyone's thought, since I want to know if I have to give it a shot or not.
