I was wondering if someone could help me figure out why my code keeps getting this index out of bounds exception. I will post the code and the text file. I just can't figure it out I've tried so many different things to get it to work

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace Chapter5Problem9
    class Program
        const string INPUT_FILE = "\\Projects\\Chapter5Problem9\\Chapter5Problem9\\payRoll.txt";
        const string OUTPUT_FILE = "\\Projects\\Chapter5Problem9\\Chapter5Problem9\\Out.txt";

        static int employees = 7;

        static string[] number        = new string[employees];
        static double[] rate        = new double[employees];
        static double[] hours       = new double[employees];
        static double[] gross       = new double[employees];
        static double[] netPay      = new double[employees];
        static double[] sum         = new double[employees];
        static double[] average     = new double[employees];

        static StreamReader fileIn;
        static StreamWriter fileOut;

        static void Main()
            if (OpenFiles())

        static bool OpenFiles()
            bool successOpeningFile = true;

            if (File.Exists(INPUT_FILE))
                fileIn = File.OpenText(INPUT_FILE);
                Console.WriteLine("{0} was opened!", INPUT_FILE);
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0} does not exist!", INPUT_FILE);
                successOpeningFile = false;

            fileOut = File.CreateText(OUTPUT_FILE);

            if (File.Exists(OUTPUT_FILE))
                Console.WriteLine("{0} was created!", OUTPUT_FILE);
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0} could not be created!", OUTPUT_FILE);
                successOpeningFile = false;


            return successOpeningFile;


        static void InputData()
            uint i = 0;
            string lineIn;

            while ((lineIn = fileIn.ReadLine()) != null)
                ParseLineIn(lineIn, i);

        static void ParseLineIn(string lineIn, uint i)
            string[] words = new string[2];

            lineIn = lineIn.Trim();
            while (Regex.IsMatch(lineIn, "[ ] {2}"))
                lineIn = lineIn.Replace("  ", " ");
            words = lineIn.Split(' ');
            number[i] = words[0];
            hours[i]  = double.Parse(words[1]);
            rate[i] = double.Parse(words[2]);


        static void Total()
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i <= employees; i++)
                if (hours[i] > 35)
                    gross[i] = hours[i] * rate[i] * 1.5F;
                    gross[i] = hours[i] * rate[i];

                netPay[i] = gross[i] - (gross[i] * .15F);
                sum[i] += netPay[i];
                average[i] = sum[i] / employees;

        static void Display()
            int i;

            fileOut.WriteLine("#              Hours                    Rate                Net Pay           ");
            for (i = 0; i < employees; i++)
                fileOut.WriteLine("{0}             {1}                 {2}         {3:C}", number[i], hours[i], rate[i] , netPay[i]);
            fileOut.WriteLine("                               Sum:{0:C}                       Average:{1:C}   ", sum[i], average[i]);

        static void CloseFiles()

here's the txt file

1 40.00 6.00
2 35.00 7.00
3 24.00 9.50
5 44.00 11.00
6 55.00 9.00
7 70.00 22.00