You can always decompile the string.Trim() method to find out also:

public string Trim()
	return this.TrimHelper(2);

private string TrimHelper(int trimType)
	int num = this.Length - 1;
	int num2 = 0;
	if (trimType != 1)
		num2 = 0;
		while (num2 < this.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(this[num2]))
	if (trimType != 0)
		num = this.Length - 1;
		while (num >= num2 && char.IsWhiteSpace(this[num]))
	return this.CreateTrimmedString(num2, num);

private string CreateTrimmedString(int start, int end)
	int num = end - start + 1;
	if (num == this.Length)
		return this;
	if (num == 0)
		return string.Empty;
	return this.InternalSubString(start, num, false);
You can see that if the length doesn't change it just returns itself.