     public void dam_data_setup()
            // fill list
             damgtype.Add( den1);
             damgtype.Add( den2);
             damgtype.Add( da1);
             damgtype.Add( da2);
             damgtype.Add( db1);
             damgtype.Add( db2);
             damgtype.Add( dc1);
             damgtype.Add( dc2);
             damgtype.Add( dd1);
             damgtype.Add( dd2);
             damgtype.Add( de1);
             damgtype.Add( de2);
             damgtype.Add( dv1);
             damgtype.Add( dv2);

            // convert list to array
            int[] dam =  damgtype.ToArray();
            int dx = 0; // dam data array pointer
             den = 1;  da = 1;  db = 1;  dc = 1;  dd = 1;  de = 1;  dv = 1;  //sets array col position counters to starting values
            int broken_max =  rows, agouti_max = (broken_max / 2), brown_max = (agouti_max / 2), colour_max = (brown_max / 2), dilute_max = (colour_max / 2), ext_max = (dilute_max / 2), vienna_max = (ext_max / 2);
            int dam_dom_dilute = (dd / (dilute_max / 2));
                // loading array right to left. starts by loading all itirations of broken starting with the Dominant gene (locii)
                // when gene counter is > 1/2 gene max counter; recessive is loaded
                {  //broken
                    if ( den <= (broken_max / 2))
                         damdata[dx, 0] = dam[0];
                         damdata[dx, 0] = dam[1];
                    if ( den > broken_max)
                    {  den = 1; }
                    // Agouti 
                    if ( da <= (agouti_max / 2))
                    {  damdata[dx, 1] = dam[2]; }
                    else if ( da > (agouti_max / 2)) {  damdata[dx, 1] = dam[3]; }
                    if ( da > agouti_max) {  da = 1; } // resets Agouti counter
                    // Brown
                    if ( db <= (brown_max / 2))
                    {  damdata[dx, 2] = dam[4]; }
                    else if ( db > (brown_max / 2)) {  damdata[dx, 2] = dam[5]; }
                    if ( db > brown_max) {  db = 1; } // resets Brown counter
                    // Colour
                    if ( dc <= (colour_max / 2))
                    {  damdata[dx, 3] = dam[6]; }
                    else if ( dc > (colour_max / 2)) {  damdata[dx, 3] = dam[7]; }
                    if ( dc > colour_max) {  dc = 1; } // resets Colour counter
                { // Dilute
                    if (dd > (dilute_max / 2))
                    { damdata[dx, 3] = dam[9]; }
                    else if (dd <= (dilute_max / 2)) { damdata[dx, 4] = dam[8]; }
                    if ( dd > dilute_max) {  dd = 1; } // resets Dilute counter
                    // Extension
                    if ( de > (ext_max / 2))
                    {  damdata[dx, 5] = dam[11]; }
                    else if ( de <= (ext_max / 2)) {  damdata[dx, 5] = dam[10]; }
                    if ( de > ext_max) {  de = 1; } // resets Extension counter

                    // Vienna 
                    if ( dv > (vienna_max / 2))
                         damdata[dx, 6] = dam[13];
                    else if ( dv <= (vienna_max / 2))
                         damdata[dx, 6] = dam[12];
                    if ( dv > vienna_max) {  dv = 1; } // resets vienna counter
            } // end do bracket
                     while (dx < rows); // end do while loop

This is a genetics program and is to parse the source array and write all possible combinations to a new array.

All sections but dilute work correctly. For some reason the dilute's Boolean is not testing true when it should. This is causing data corruption. What am I doing wrong?