Okay I am screwing around with web sockets and am trying to negotiate a connection but I have to do some math to generate a proper negotiation.

draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-03 - The WebSocket protocol That is the RFC I am referencing.

Okay I have the following information:
Key1: 18x 6]8vM;54 *(5:  {   U1]8  z [  8
Key2: 1_ tx7X d  <  nw  334J702) 7]o}` 0
Final: Tm[K T2u
First step is removing all non-numeric characters from key1 and key 2 leaving me with.

Key1: 1868545188
Key2: 1733470270
I used a simple regex for that [^[0-9]] that worked fine

Next I have to calculate the spaces in the original key1 and key 2 which I did sucesfully with a foreach statement.

Key1 spaces = 12
Key2 spaces = 10

Now heres the part I am not sure of and need help on. I need to divide the key1 number by the number of spaces

1868545188 / 12 155712099
1733470270 / 10 173347027

I need to express each of these output as Big Endian 32 bit numbers? Does that mean flip them? how would I do that in C#.

After that I concatenate the two numbers with the Final and get the md5 sum of that. Again how do I do this in c#. I am currently doing it this way:
MD5CryptoServiceProvider x = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
            byte[] output = x.ComputeHash(input);
            string MD5Output = ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetString(output);
If you guys could help me out I would appreciate it. Note the final outcome of those calculations should be a 16 byte 128 bit value, which in this case is: fQJ,fN/4F4!~K~MH