A Game maintains scores for its players in a comma delimited sequential file “scores.txt” with the record structure outlined below.

G001,Hot Shot,280
G002,Loose Cannon,750

scores.txt record structure
Field Name Type
Player Number String
PlayerName String
Score Integer

A program is required that will allow them enter a player number, the program will then search the file, and display the players name, and the score for chosen player. If the player is not found display a message stating “No match found”. Alongside the score, you must display the citation, use the table below do to determine the citation.
Table 1
Score Citation
Less than 400 Sluggish Snail
between 400 and 599 Ambling Armadeillo
Between 600 and 699 Bobbing Bobcat
Between 700 and 999 Rocketing Rabbit
Greater than 999 TurboCharged Cheetah

Example dialogue
Enter Player Number: G002

Player name : Loose Cannon

Score : 750

You are a Rocketing rabbit

Search Again (y/n) :

My Attempt so far:

string[] scores = new string

streamreader myfile = file.opentext("scores.txt");
string lineIn;
lineIn = myfile.Readline();

Console.Write("Enter name : ");
string target = Console.ReadLine();
Am i on the right track??
Anyone any ideas??