ok i have the program written it is homework. but when i plug in the numbers in a calculator and what i see on my computer screen are two different things.

    public double SetTempWithF(double degrees)
           tempk = (degrees + 459.67) * (5/9);
          // tempk = degrees;
           Console.WriteLine("settemwithf {0}", degrees);
            return tempk;
degrees is getting a fixed number of 32 being passed in.

        const double TEST_VALUE1 = 32.0;
        const double TEST_VALUE2 = 100.0;

        static void Main()
            // Create a Temperature object
            Temperature todaysTemp = new Temperature();

            // Set its value to 32⁰ Fahrenheit
the calculator displays 273.15 and the program displays -273.15

i have another method in the class that has a similar problem calculator displays 212 code displays - 86.52

since it isnt too long i am just going to post the whole thing. in two blocks one for each file

the part with main is pre provided and cannot be edited. so the only part that can be editted is the class that i wrote. so ya no idea why the math is not displaying correctly any help would be appreciated in pin pointing what i may of done wrong.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace temperature
    class Temperature
        private double tempk;

        public Temperature()
          tempk = 0.0;
        public double SetTempWithF(double degrees)
           tempk = (degrees + 459.67) * (5/9);
          // tempk = degrees;
           Console.WriteLine("settemwithf {0}", degrees);
            return tempk;
        public double SetTempWithC(double degrees)
            tempk = degrees + 273.15;
            Console.WriteLine("settempwithc {0}", tempk);
          //  tempk = degrees;
            return tempk;
        public double GetTempF()
            tempk = (tempk * (9/5)) - 459.67;
            Console.WriteLine("GetTempF {0}",tempk);
            return tempk;
        public double GetTempC()
            tempk = tempk - 273.15;
            Console.WriteLine("gettempC {0}", tempk);
            return tempk;
using System;
//using namespace temperature2;

namespace temperature
    class Program
        const double TEST_VALUE1 = 32.0;
        const double TEST_VALUE2 = 100.0;

        static void Main()
            // Create a Temperature object
            Temperature todaysTemp = new Temperature();

            // Set its value to 32⁰ Fahrenheit

            // get and display the temperature in Celsius
            Console.WriteLine("Today's Temperature is {0}⁰ Celsius", todaysTemp.GetTempC());

            // Test it the other way around

            // get and display the temperature in Fahrenheit
            Console.WriteLine("Today's Temperature is {0}⁰ Fahrenheit", todaysTemp.GetTempF());

        }//End Main()
    } // end of Program class
} // end of namespace