void Partition(int low, int high, int S[])

int i, j;
int pivotpoint, pivotitem;

pivotitem = S[low];
j = low;
for(i = low + 1; i <= high; i++) 
    if (S[i] < pivotitem) {
    Swap(S[i], S[j]);
pivotpoint = j;
Swap(S[low], S[pivotpoint]);

void QuickSort(int low, int high)

int pivotpoint;

if(high > low) {
        QuickSort(low, pivotpoint - 1);
        QuickSort(pivotpoint + 1, high);

Pivotpoint is NOT the right argument for Partition.

		MergeSort(n, S_1);
		QuickSort(low, high, S_2);
		StringOutput("\nUnsorted, the array is: \n\n");
		OutputArray(n, S_0);
low and high are not present in the function. What do you think you need to pass to start a sort off?

S_2 is passed to the function, but the function only takes 2 arguments.
