
I am trying to populate a two dimensional array using a FOR loop.

This is what I have made so far:-

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()

	int array2d[2][2];
	int i = 0;
	int j = 0;

	for(i=0, j=0;i<4, j<4;i++, j++)
		cout << "Outer loop " << endl;
		cout << "Enter the number for array location " <<  i << j << endl;
			cout << "Inner loop " << endl;
			cout << "Enter a number for array location " << i << j << endl;
			cin >> array2d[i][j];

	cout << array2d[0][0] << endl;
	cout << array2d[0][1] << endl;
	cout << array2d[1][0] << endl;
	cout << array2d[1][1] << endl;

I have two problems.

The first is that when the contents of the array are 'cout'd', 2 'containers' seem to still hold the old 'nonsense' values.

The second is that I am wanting to ask the user:-

cout << "Enter the number for array location " << i << j;
so that it says 0,0 then 0,1 then 1,0 then 1,1 but am a little confused on how to go about that. I have found that he other FOR loop is only iterated once when the program runs.

The first problem is my main concern though, as I thought I had constructed the FOR loops correctly.

Many thanks!