Hey everyone I'm very new to c++ and need some help. I'm trying to write a program that opens a text file, prints it, then prints it again with every 5th word replaced by blanks. I can get the file to open and the header for the 2nd print, but I can't get the file even print out again, or my word count to work. Any help is welcome. here's the code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;

int main ()
	char ch, car;
	char fileName [20];
	bool lastWasLetter = false;				
	bool thisLetter = false;
	char BLANKS [13] = " __________ ";
	int  wordCount = 0;
	ifstream inFile;
	cout << "Give file name:" << endl;
	cin >> fileName; 

	inFile.open (fileName);
	inFile.get (ch);

	while (!inFile)
		inFile.clear ();
		cout << "File name invalid. Please re-enter the file name:" << endl;
		cin >> fileName;

		inFile.open (fileName);
		inFile.get (ch);

	cout << "=========================================" << endl;
	cout << "            ORIGINAL TEXT                " << endl;
	cout << "=========================================" << endl;
	cout << ch;

	while (inFile) 
		inFile.get (ch);
		cout << ch;
	 inFile.seekg(0L, ios::beg);


	 cout << "========================================" << endl;
	 cout << "              CLOZE TEST                " << endl;
	 cout << "========================================" << endl;
	 while (inFile)

		inFile.open (fileName);
		cin.get (ch);
		if (isalpha (ch))
			lastWasLetter = true;
			cout << ch;
			if (lastWasLetter = true)
				cin.get (car);
				if (isalpha (car))
					thisLetter = true;
						cout << car;
				else (!isalpha (car));
		if (wordCount % 5)
			cout << BLANKS;


	 return (0);