I refer to this website a lot, and there seems to be a lot of very helpful support from its members, so I decided to join the forum. I am currently making my own solution to an n queens problem and ran into a snag with some of my class member functions.
First of all, I know that this is not the best way to do this, but it's the first time I've taken a stab at an n queens problem.

Here are my function definitions:
     queenLoc = new s_type[8];
     //Creates array for queens with generic value (until input received)
     numQueens = 8;
     place = 0;
     success() == 0;

     delete []queenLoc;

Queen::Queen(int boardsize)
     queenLoc = new s_type[boardsize];
     numQueens = boardsize; //Takes user input, makes it size of board
     place = 0;
     placement();//Begins placing queens...

void Queen::push(s_type s)
     if(success() == 0) //Will only push to stack if no solution yet
                queenLoc[place] = s; //Pushes location of queen to stack
                place++; //Increments number of places used by 1
     else if(success() == 1)
     cout << "There is a solution!" << endl;
     cout << "An error has occurred..." << endl;
     //This final else statement is included for error checking

Queen::s_type Queen::pop()
     s_type topqueenLoc;
     if(counter() == 0)//Prevents popping from empty stack
     topqueenLoc = queenLoc[--place];

void Queen::placement()
     while(success() == 0 && !counter() == (numQueens))
                  if(conflict() == 1)
                       if(queenLoc[place] >= numQueens)
                       while(queenLoc[place] < numQueens)
                  else if(conflict() == 0 && counter() == (numQueens))
                       success() == 1; //Calls suceess to return 1
                       printQueens(); //Calls function to print queens

void Queen::printQueens()
     int i;
     for(i = 0; i <= numQueens; i++)
     cout << "Queen row " << i << ": column " << queenLoc[i] << endl;

int Queen::counter()

bool Queen::conflict()
     int i,j;
     for(i = 0; i <= numQueens; i++)
          for(j = 1; j <= place; j++)
                if(queenLoc[j] == i || (abs(queenLoc[j]-i) == (abs(j-place)))
                return 0;
     return 1;

bool Queen::success()
     if(counter() == (numQueens))
     return 1; //Returns 1 if all queens have been placed without conflict
     else if(counter() != (numQueens))
     return 0; //Returns 0 if a solution has not been found
     cout << "A strange error has occurred..." << endl;
     //I incorporated this else statement as a means of error checking,
     //if this is ever triggered then I know something is wrong with my code...
The problem lies in the printQueens(), counter(), conflict(), and success() functions. My compiler (Dev C++) is kicking the following errors at me for each of them:

"expected primary-expression before "void (or int, or bool, respectively)" "
"expected `;' before "void (or int, or bool, respectively""

I know it's a very simple mistake, and I can't, for the life of me, figure this out! Any help is greatly appreciated, and I'll keep churning away at it...