This is strange... VC++ gives me this error:
error C2780: 'void StrUtils::ToUpper(std::basic_string<_Elem,_Traits, _Alloc> &,const std::locale &)' : expects 2 arguments - 4 provided
if I try to overload my ToUpper() function template like this:
template <typename E>
class ToUpperFunctor	:	public std::binary_function<E, std::locale, E>
	E operator()( E  ch, const std::locale&  loc = std::locale() ) const
		return std::toupper( ch, loc );

template <typename E,
	  typename InIt,
	  typename OutIt>
void ToUpper( InIt  start1,
	      InIt  end1,
	     OutIt  start2,
	     const std::locale&  loc = std::locale() )
	std::transform( start1, end1,
			std::bind2nd( ToUpperFunctor<E>(), loc ) );

template <typename E,
	  typename T,
	  typename A>
void ToUpper( std::basic_string<E, T, A>&  str,
		       const std::locale&  loc = std::locale() )
	typedef std::basic_string<E, T, A>::iterator	iter;
	ToUpper( str.begin(), str.end(),
		 str.begin(), loc );
but it compiles fine if I specify the template parameters:
template <typename E>
class ToUpperFunctor	:	public std::binary_function<E, std::locale, E>
	E operator()( E  ch, const std::locale&  loc = std::locale() ) const
		return std::toupper( ch, loc );

template <typename E,
	  typename InIt,
	  typename OutIt>
void ToUpper( InIt  start1,
	      InIt  end1,
	     OutIt  start2,
	     const std::locale&  loc = std::locale() )
	std::transform( start1, end1,
			std::bind2nd( ToUpperFunctor<E>(), loc ) );

template <typename E,
	  typename T,
	  typename A>
void ToUpper( std::basic_string<E, T, A>&  str,
		       const std::locale&  loc = std::locale() )
	typedef std::basic_string<E, T, A>::iterator	iter;
	ToUpper<E, iter, iter>( str.begin(), str.end(),
				str.begin(), loc );
But both template functions take the same number of template parameters, so how could that possibly help, and why doesn't it know which function I'm talking about to begin with?