Thread: Help with programming assignment, please!

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Help with programming assignment, please!

    OK so here is what I'm working with:

    Header file:

    // Provided by:   Megan Kalscheuer
    // Email Address: [email protected]
    // FILE: stats.h
    // CLASS PROVIDED: statistician
    //   (a class to keep track of statistics on a sequence of real numbers)
    //   This class is part of the namespace main_savitch_2C.
    // CONSTRUCTOR for the statistician class:
    //   statistician( );
    //     Postcondition: The object has been initialized, and is ready to accept
    //     a sequence of numbers. Various statistics will be calculated about the
    //     sequence.
    // PUBLIC MODIFICATION member functions for the statistician class:
    //   void next(double r)
    //     The number r has been given to the statistician as the next number in
    //     its sequence of numbers.
    //   void reset( );
    //     Postcondition: The statistician has been cleared, as if no numbers had
    //     yet been given to it.
    // PUBLIC CONSTANT member functions for the statistician class:
    //   int length( ) const
    //     Postcondition: The return value is the length of the sequence that has
    //     been given to the statistician (i.e., the number of times that the
    //     next(r) function has been activated).
    //   double sum( ) const
    //     Postcondition: The return value is the sum of all the numbers in the
    //     statistician's sequence.
    //   double mean( ) const
    //     Precondition: length( ) > 0
    //     Postcondition: The return value is the arithmetic mean (i.e., the
    //     average of all the numbers in the statistician's sequence).
    //   double minimum( ) const
    //     Precondition: length( ) > 0
    //     Postcondition: The return value is the tinyest number in the
    //     statistician's sequence.
    //   double maximum( ) const
    //     Precondition: length( ) > 0
    //     Postcondition: The return value is the largest number in the
    //     statistician's sequence.
    // NON-MEMBER functions for the statistician class:
    //   statistician operator +(const statistician& s1, const statistician& s2)
    //     Postcondition: The statistician that is returned contains all the
    //     numbers of the sequences of s1 and s2.
    //   statistician operator *(double scale, const statistician& s)
    //     Postcondition: The statistician that is returned contains the same
    //     numbers that s does, but each number has been multiplied by the
    //     scale number.
    //   bool operator ==(const statistician& s1, const statistician& s2)
    //     Postcondition: The return value is true if s1 and s2 both have length
    //     zero. Also, if the length is greater than zero, then s1 and s2 must
    //     have the same length, the same  mean, the same minimum,
    //     the same maximum, and the same sum.
    // VALUE SEMANTICS for the statistician class:
    //   Assignments and the copy constructor may be used with statistician objects.
    #ifndef STATS_H     // Prevent duplicate definition
    #define STATS_H
    #include <iostream>
    namespace main_savitch_2C
       class statistician
           // CONSTRUCTOR
           statistician( );
           void next(double r);
           void reset( );
           int length( ) const;
           double sum( ) const;
           double mean( ) const;
           double minimum( ) const;
           double maximum( ) const;
           // FRIEND FUNCTIONS
           friend statistician operator +
               (const statistician& s1, const statistician& s2);
           friend statistician operator *
               (double scale, const statistician& s);
           int count;       // How many numbers in the sequence
           double total;    // The sum of all the numbers in the sequence
           double tinyest;  // The smallest number in the sequence
           double largest;  // The largest number in the sequence
       // NON-MEMBER functions for the statistician class
       bool operator ==(const statistician& s1, const statistician& s2);

    //FILE: stats.cpp
    //#include <iostream>
    //#include <cassert> //according to the text it provides assert    // unnecessary
    #include "stats.h" // provides the stats class definition
    namespace main_savitch_2C
       statistician::statistician() : count(0), total(0), tinyest(0), largest(0)
       {}                                          //initializing everything to 0
       | next(double r)
       | Give the statistician a new number
       | Post: the count of the numbers statistician has seen has been
       |    incremented
       |       the sum of all the numbers statistician has seen has been
       |    increment by r
       |       the values of tinyest and largest have been adjusted if
       |    necessary
       void statistician::next(double r)
           if (count <= 0) {                       // update the number of entries statistician has
               count = 1;                          // this is the first data item of the statistician
               total = r;
               tinyest = r;
               largest = r;
           count = count + 1;
           total += r;                             // adjust the sum
           if (r < tinyest) {                      // update the min if necessary
               tinyest = r;
           if (largest < r) {                      // update the max if necessary
               largest = r;
       void statistician::reset( )
           count = 0;                              // resets all values back to 0
           tinyest = 0;
           largest = 0;
           total = 0;
           | int length( ) const
           | RETURN count which is the length of the sequence that has
           |    been given to the statistician (i.e., the number of times that the
           |    next(r) function has been activated).
       int statistician::length() const
           return count;
       double statistician::sum() const
           return total;
       double statistician::mean() const
           return total/count;                     // mean = total divided by the number of numbers
       double statistician::minimum() const
       {                                           // minimum = tinyest number
           return tinyest;
       double statistician::maximum() const
           return largest;                         // maximum = largest number
       bool operator ==(const statistician& s1, const statistician& s2)
           return true;
       statistician operator + (const statistician & s1, const statistician & s2)
           statistician s3;
  + s2.sum());
           return s3;
       statistician operator * (double scale, const statistician & s2)
           return s2;
    and the test program that I did not write:

    | stattest.cpp                                     Aug  2 1996  Michael Main |
    |                                                                            |
    | An interactive test program for the statistician class                     |
    #include <cctype>                               // Provides toupper
    #include <iomanip>                              // Provides setw to set the width of an output
    #include <iostream>                             // Provides cout, cin
    #include <cstdlib>                              // Provides EXIT_SUCCESS
    #include "stats.h"
    using namespace main_savitch_2C;
    using namespace std;
    |            PROTOTYPES of functions used in this test program               |
    void print_menu( );
    // Postcondition: A menu of choices for this program has been written to cout.
    // Library facilties used: iostream
    char get_user_command( );
    // Postcondition: The user has been prompted to enter a one character command.
    // A line of input (with at least one character) has been read, and the first
    // character of the input line is returned.
    double get_number( );
    // Postcondition: The user has been prompted to enter a real number. The
    // number has been read, echoed to the screen, and returned by the function.
    void print_values(const statistician& s);
    // Postcondition: The length, sum, minimum, mean, and maximum of s have been
    // written to cout, using a field width of 10 for each of these values.
    // (If length is zero, then minimum, mean, and maximum are not written.)
    int main( )
        statistician s1, s2, s3;  // Three statisticians for us to play with
        char choice;              // A command character entered by the user
        double x;                 // Value for multiplication x*s1
        cout << "Three statisticians s1, s2, and s3 are ready to test." << endl;
        do {
            cout << endl;
            print_menu( );
            choice = toupper(get_user_command( ));
            switch (choice) {
              case 'R': cout << "Which one should I reset (1, 2, 3) " << endl;
                        choice = get_user_command( );
                        switch (choice) {
                          case '1': s1.reset( );
                          case '2': s2.reset( );
                          case '3': s3.reset( );
                        cout << "Reset activated for s" << choice << "." << endl;
              case '1': ));
              case '2': ));
              case '3': ));
              case 'T': cout << "The values are given in this table:" << endl;
                        cout << "        LENGTH       SUM"
                             << "   MINIMUM      MEAN   MAXIMUM" << endl;
                        cout << "  s1";
                        cout << "  s2";
                        cout << "  s3";
              case 'E': if (s1 == s2)
                            cout << "s1 and s2 are equal." << endl;
                            cout << "s1 and s2 are not equal." << endl;
              case '+': s3 = s1 + s2;
                        cout << "s3 has been set to s1 + s2" << endl;
              case '*': cout << "Please type a value for x: ";
                        cin >> x;
                        s3 = x * s1;
                        cout << "s3 has been set to " << x << " * s1" << endl;
              case 'Q': cout << "Ridicule is the best test of truth." << endl;
              default: cout << choice << " is invalid. Sorry." << endl;
        } while ((choice != 'Q'));
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    void print_menu( )
        cout << endl;
        cout << "The following choices are available: " << endl;
        cout << " R  Activate one of the reset( ) functions" << endl;
        cout << " 1  Add a new number to the 1st statistician s1" << endl;
        cout << " 2  Add a new number to the 2nd statistician s2" << endl;
        cout << " 3  Add a new number to the 3rd statistician s3" << endl;
        cout << " T  Print a table of values from the statisticians" << endl;
        cout << " E  Test whether s1 == s2" << endl;
        cout << " +  Set the third statistician s3 equal to s1 + s2" << endl;
        cout << " *  Set the third statistician s3 equal to x*s1" << endl;
        cout << " Q  Quit this test program" << endl;
    char get_user_command( )                        // Library facilties used: iostream
        char command;
        cout << "Enter choice: ";
        cin >> command;
        return command;
    double get_number( )                            // Library facilties used: iostream
        double result;
        cout << "Please enter the next real number for the sequence: ";
        cin  >> result;
        cout << result << " has been read." << endl;
        return result;
    void print_values(const statistician& s)        // Library facilties used: iostream
        cout << setw(10) << s.length( );
        cout << setw(10) << s.sum( );
        if (s.length( ) != 0) {
            cout << setw(10) << s.minimum( );
            cout << setw(10) << s.mean( );
            cout << setw(10) << s.maximum( );
        } else {
            cout << "      none      none      none";
        cout << endl;
    I get to the problem when I reach the setting numbers to s1, s2 etc in the + and * option in the test program.

    Can anyone help me here? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    basically my three operators are the issues - help?

    and I'm also having troubles compiling it. When I brought this EXACT program to my professor he was able to compile it with 0 errors now I'm getting a few...

  3. #3
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You're going to need loops. Look again at what + is supposed to do (hint: it's not really adding, which makes the notation seem like a bad idea, but too late now).

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