Hallo everyone . I am trying to write code for a tree traversal of plain trees (although all trees can be viewed as binary trees). So far i have written the code below. I would like to ask if you think my approach is correct. Furthermore, in the main procedure i want to parse a tree from a file and then call the post_traverse function. My problem is not the parsing of the file, instead i am having difficulties to understand how to assign each value i am going to read from the file to a node. For example, lets say i have a file like this: (1(2 (3 9)5(3))). A left parenthesis '(' signals a new child, while a right parenthesis ')' signals a new sibling. In this example how can i pass each value to the n -> firstchild or n -> nextsibling?

Thank you.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct treenode {
  string value;
  int numofchildren;
  struct treenode *firstchild;
  struct treenode *nextsibling;


int leaf (treenode *n, int depth) {
  if (n -> numofchildren == 0)
    return 1;
    return 0;

int visit (treenode *n, int depth) {
  std::cout << depth << ":" << n -> value;
  return 0;

int post_traverse (treenode *n, int depth) {
  if (leaf(n, depth))
    visit(n, depth);
  else {
    // visit(n, depth);  //PRE
    post_traverse(n -> firstchild, depth + 1);
    while (n -> numofchildren - 1 > 0) {
      //        visit(n, depth);   //IN
      n -> numofchildren --;
      post_traverse (n -> nextsibling, depth + 1);
      visit(n, depth);
    depth ++;
    return 0;

int main() {

  return 0;