This code is meant to sort a list of movies from a file based on title, year, media and length. The format for the movie file is:

 You've Got Mail,1998,109,DVD
Birthday Girl,2002,129,VHS
Get Shorty,1995,117,DVD
Spy Game,2001,120,DVD
About a Boy,2002,117,DVD
I'm looking to figure out what it is that I'm doing wrong. It outputs the first title many times. It looks like a loop problem but I can't figure it out. I don't expect this program to work magically but it seems I just can't find the problem. It outputs over and over again and I'm really not seeing the logic that causes it to run without more accurate output. I really need to figure out why it doesn't output

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

//Constants - This is used inside sort function to determine 
//which field to sort on

const int MOVIE_TITLE = 0;
const int YEAR = 1;
const int MEDIA = 2;
const int LENGTH =3;

//Global Variables
	string title[188];
	string year[188];
	string mediaType[188];
	string length[188];

 void Sort(const int col, int howMany, bool dir)
	   case MOVIE_TITLE:
              string temp_title;
	          string temp_year;
	          string temp_mediaType;
              string temp_length;
		      int limit = howMany;//The number of elements in the array to be searched
              bool swapped = true;
              int j = 0;
                 cout << "iteration "<<j << endl; */
                 swapped = false;//No swapp has taken place
	             //Propagate through array
                 for(int sub=0;sub<limit - 1; sub++)
	                //dir - asc, or desc order, nothing to do with files
		               if(title[sub] > title[sub+1])
		                  //elements are out of order..swap them
						   //Write first to temp
                         temp_title = title[sub];
						 temp_year = year[sub];
						 temp_mediaType = mediaType[sub];
                         temp_length = length[sub];
                         //Overwrite first with second
			             title[sub] = title[sub+1];
						 year[sub] = year[sub+1];
						 mediaType[sub] = mediaType[sub+1];
						 length[sub] = length[sub+1];
                         //Overwrite second with temp
						 title[sub+1] = temp_title;
				 /*cout << "TRACER2 = "<< title[sub+1] << endl<<cin.get();*/
						 year[sub+1] = temp_year;
						 mediaType[sub+1] = temp_mediaType;
						 length[sub+1] = temp_length;
			             swapped = true;
                       if(title[sub] < title[sub+1])
		                  //elements are out of order..swap them
                         string temp_title = title[sub];
						 string temp_year = year[sub];
						 string temp_mediaType = mediaType[sub];
                         string temp_length = length[sub];

			             title[sub] = title[sub+1];
						 year[sub] = year[sub+1];
						 mediaType[sub] = mediaType[sub+1];
						 length[sub] = length[sub+1];

						 title[sub+1] = temp_title;
						 year[sub+1] = temp_year;
						 mediaType[sub+1] = temp_mediaType;
						 length[sub+1] = temp_length;
			             swapped = true;
				 }//end for()

			  }//end while()
        case YEAR:
        case MEDIA:
        case LENGTH:

int main()
	//Declare vars
	//File record

	//int age;
	//int code;

	string record;
	int recordcount = 0;
//	int maxElements;
	ifstream dataIn;

//	string lookFor;
//	int compares = 0;

	//Open file"Movies.dat");
		cout << "Unable to open the data file." << endl;
		return 99;

	//Read a record
	int delimiterposition;	//location in the record of field separator (,)
	recordcount = 0;
	while(dataIn.eof() == false)
        if(record == "")
		delimiterposition = record.find_first_of(',',0);
		/*cout << "record="<<record<< endl;*/
        if(record.substr(0,delimiterposition-0) == "")
		title[recordcount] = record.substr(0,delimiterposition-0);
		delimiterposition = record.find_first_of(',',0);
		year[recordcount] = record.substr(0,delimiterposition-0);
		/*cout<< "TRACER3 year="<<year<<endl<<cin.get();*/
		delimiterposition = record.find_first_of(',',0);
		mediaType[recordcount] = record.substr(0,delimiterposition-0);
		delimiterposition = record.find_first_of(',',0);
		length[recordcount] = record.substr(0,delimiterposition-0);
		recordcount++;	//point to next element
	}//end of input loop
   return 0;