
Does anyone know how to implement a function that returns a const char* for use in this situation:

class foo
   int i_size;
   char* c_data;  // not necesarily null terminated
   const char* c_str()
       // - how to implement ?
       // - should add a null terminator to c_data
       // - not neccesary: possybitlity of aditional manipulation of i_data
       //   ( concat with another string )
       // - only the returned string should contain the changes - i_data should
       //    not be changed in the process

void bar( const char* c  )
    // operations on the null terminated c string

in main:
   foo test( "abc" );
   bar( test.c_str() );    // this part uses c_str() function to convert data to the bar function
                                    // input type ( const char* )
The part that is causing problems is that I don't want to use malloc in c_str() since that would produce a memory leak in such a case.

Any ideas anyone?

Thanks, Domen.