
My name is MP and I am new to C++. I am trying to create a project and am having no luck.

I am trying to finish a assignment, but I am baffled. The assignment is to Write a program that reads in three integers and determines and prints the middle number numerically in the group. The values are NOT necessarily entered in numeric order. Also compound if statements and nested if statements are not needed or allowed).

Here is the code I wrote, but keep getting the 3 error C2059: syntax error : 'if'.

// Three integers printing middle interger numberically: 1/14/2008, 2:05PM


#include <iostream> // allows program to output data to the screen

#include "Rhod_2a.h"

using std::cout; // program uses cout

using std::cin; // program uses cin

using std::endl; // program uses endl

// function main begins program execution

int main()


int number1; // first integer to compare

int number2; // second integer to compare

int number3; // third integer to compare

cout << "Enter three integers: "; //prompt user for data

cin >> number1 >> number2 >> number3; // read three integers from user

if ( number1 <= number2 )

cout << number1 <<

if (number2 < number1 )

cout << number2 <<

if ( number3 < number1 )

cout << number3 << endl;

if ( number1 > number2 )

cout << number1 <<

if ( number2 > number1 )

cout << number 2 <<

if ( number2 < number3 )

cout << number2 <<

if ( number3 <= number2 )

cout << number3 << endl;

if ( number1 > number2 )

cout << number1 <<

if ( number1 > number3 )

cout << number1 <<

if ( number2 > number1 )

cout << number2 <<

if ( number2 > number3 )

cout << number2 <<

if ( number3 > number1 )

cout << number3 << 

if ( number3 > number2 )// number3 is greater than number2

cout << number3 << endl;

return 0; // indicate that program ended successfully

} //end function main



------ Build started: Project: Rhod_2a, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------



c:\documents and settings\.your-jz14f3vb7a\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\rhod_2a\rhod_2a\rhod_2a.h(33) : error C2059: syntax error : 'if'

c:\documents and settings\.your-jz14f3vb7a\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\rhod_2a\rhod_2a\rhod_2a.h(42) : error C2059: syntax error : 'if'

c:\documents and settings\.your-jz14f3vb7a\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\rhod_2a\rhod_2a\rhod_2a.h(54) : error C2059: syntax error : 'if'

Build log was saved at "file://c:\Documents and Settings\.YOUR-JZ14F3VB7A\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\Rhod_2a\Rhod_2a\Debug\BuildLog.htm"

Rhod_2a - 3 error(s), 0 warning(s)

========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========