How can you force the a program to only pick numbers that are divisible to an integer?
for (pro = 0; pro < numpro; pro++) //keeps a count until number of problems desired is reached
					srand((unsigned)time(0)); // allows for random number generation
					num1 = rand();
					num1 = rand() % 12 + 1;
					num2 = rand(); // picks a second random number that will not be the first
					num2 = rand() % 12 + 1;

					cout << "\n\n " << num1 << " / " << num2 << " = " ;
					cin >> ansr;
					total = num1/num2;
						if (total == ansr) // verifies input answer is correct
							cout << "\n Correct!" << endl;
						else if (total != ansr)
							cout << "\n Incorrect. The correct answer is: " << total << endl;
This way for instance you don't generate 5/12 and 0 is the correct answer. I'm assuming you could use an if else statement so that if the answer doesn't equal an int it picks to different numbers but how would you set that up since you can't make something like
if (num1 + num2 = int)
    cin >> ansr;
else if (num1 + num2 !=int)
     num1 = rand();
     num1 = rand() % 12 + 1;
     num2 = rand();
because int isn't really something assigned right?