Hey everybody! I just started to use C++ programming and haven't used any other kind before. After a few days of learning how to use it, I tried to make this program. A have a few friends coming over and I made it to try to play a trick on them so that it says a funny quote when they input their specific names. I also want it to say a different quote if anyone else tries to input a name that isn't one of the few specified ones. I have encountered a problem, can anyone point out what I did wrong? Much appreciated =D

// If all of this works the way I want it to...this will be quite entertaining

#include <iostream>
 int main ()
	 int name;         // Need a variable (name)
     cout<<"Hello World! I am Scott's most interesting and entertaining C++ program yet!"\n;
	 cout<<"To begin, please enter your name:";
cin>> name;           // Inputs name
cin.ignore ()         // Throws away "enter"
if (name == Scott) {
	cout<<"HAHA! That is a moronic name! Why did your parents ever name you that! Geez, your parents must love you a lot! OH! MASTER SCOTT! I didn't realize it was you, can I ever repay you for my injustice? I bow down to you and your awesomeness!"\n;
else if (name == Gabby) {
	cout<<"Wow...I must be a psychic C++ program!  I can already tell that yours is a name of someone who studies way too much! Get a hobby, punk!"\n;
else if (name == Sarah) {
	cout<<"Wow...I must be a psychic C++ program!  I can already tell that yours is a name of someone who has way too much energy for some situations! Take a chill pill and let your endorphins stop pumping!"\n;
else if (name == Alex) {
	cout<<"Wow...I must be a psychic C++ program!  I can already tell that yours is a name of someone who has way too hairy of a chest and like Guitar Hero too much! Stop playing, or else your fingers will fall off!"\n;
else if (name == Christian) {
	cout<<"Wow...I must be a psychic C++ program!  I can already tell that yours is a name of someone who plays way too many video games!  I must say that your computer is rather 1337 and I must find the opportunity to meet it and have a byte to eat sometime. Wanna hook me up?"\n;
else if (name != Scott, Gabby, Sarah, Alex, Christian) {
	cout<<"HEY! Who do you think you are!?  Did I let you bask in the glory of Scott's Almighty C++ Program!  Cause that's what I am!  If you can't handle it, go cry in the corner!"\n;
cin.get ();