2 questions.

Why doesn't destructors take any parameters? It's not that it's a problem that they doesn't. It should be fairly simple to get around. I just don't see any reason to why it wont take any parameters. What am I missing? (:

And why couldn't pointers which points to objects, just point to an object of whatever class I wanted it to? I mean, the reason pointers which points to for example an int can't be told to point to a long is because the differences in the amount of space the two data types takes up in memory (right?). But since a pointer can be the type BaseClass yet still point to a class made from BaseClass, let's say NewClass. NewClass would be able to hold new data which BaseClass didn't, making it contain more data. Yet the pointer which was created to point towards a BaseClass can still point to NewClass. So why couldn't the pointer just point to whatever object it wanted? Yet again, I suppose I'm missing something.

Thanks. (: