My problem is that I have a program that finds out all the symbols (the ones where you press like alt-33 for something) I am succesful at doing this and now I will show you my program code and my problem.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
        int x;
        x = 0;
        fstream file_op("find out the symbols.html",ios::out);
        while (x < 1000)
        file_op<<"&#"<<x<<";"<<" = "<<x<<"<br />"<<endl;
        cout << "finished proccessing symbols";
        return 0;
the problem here is that it will put all in an html file because to make it work I have to use some html code to make it produce a symbol because if I tell it alt-133 it wont understand what I want. In html if you type in the source code "&#(whatever number);(here on is not neccesary) = (that number again)" the part after the semi colon just tells the veiwer what number combo you used.

Now my problem is that it will count to like 9 milion or something really big. Now that takes like a Gig of space. So I am thinking that I should have it read it and see if the combo didnt make a symbol (if it is an incorrect combo it pops up with an empty square). I dont know how to read the actual browser to see what popped up. If i read the html file it reads the source code. So that will just read the numbers and then there wont be the symbol so it will let it by (if I made a filter wich is what I am trying to do). That is basicly it.

thanks in advance,