i'm frustrating a bit with the following errors and warnings. Despite including the right header properly (at least i hope so), the compiler is complaining about incomplete/undefined types. There should also be no semicolons missing. The error messages, here you go, great thanks for all help:

cyear.h: In destructor ‘cyear::~cyear()’:
cyear.h:52: warning: possible problem detected in invocation of delete operator:
cyear.h:52: warning: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct cmonth’
cyear.h:12: warning: forward declaration of ‘struct cmonth’
cyear.h:52: note: neither the destructor nor the class-specific operator delete will be called, even if they are declared when the class is defined.
cyear.h: In member function ‘bool cyear::read_months()’:
cyear.h:65: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct cmonth’
cyear.h:12: error: forward declaration of ‘struct cmonth’

You may be interested in the code, too:

cyear.h - critical parts are marked
#ifndef CYEAR_H
#define CYEAR_H

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

#include <list>
using std::list;

#include "cmonth.h"
class cmonth;

struct syear{
  short int events;
  char main_event[256];

struct sweek{
  short int events;
  char main_event[256];

struct sday{
  short int events;
  char main_event[256];

struct stime{
  short int hour;
  short int minute;
  char event[256];

class cyear{
    int year;
    list<cmonth*> cmonths;
    syear this_year;
    cyear(int _year): year(_year){
      furz hallo();
      if(!read_year(year, this_year)){
        this_year.events = 0;
        strcpy(this_year.main_event, "");

        delete cmonths.back();

    bool read_year(int _year, syear& the_year);
    void write_year(int _year, syear& the_year);
    void write_year(){
      write_year(year, this_year);

    bool read_months(){
      for(int i = 1; i < 13; i++){
        cmonths.push_back(new cmonth(i, *this));

    int get_year(){ return year; };

    void set_event(char event[]); 

    void inc_events(){ this_year.events++; }

    void print();
    static bool is_leap_year(int _year);

    bool is_leap_year(){ is_leap_year(year); }

    static int doomesday(int _year){
      return (2 + _year + (_year/4) - (_year/100) + (_year/400))%7;

    int doomesday(){ doomesday(year); }

  friend class cmonth;

...and cmonth.h
#ifndef CMONTH_H
#define CMONTH_H

#include "cyear.h"
#include "cweek.h"
#include "cday.h"

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

#include <list>
using std::list;

struct smonth{
  short int events;
  char main_event[256];

class cyear;
#include "cyear.h"

class cmonth{
    int month;
    list<cweek*> cweeks;
    list<cday*> cdays;
    smonth this_month;
    cyear& the_year;
    cmonth(int _month, cyear& _the_year): month(_month),
      if(!read_month(month, this_month)){
        this_month.events = 0;
        strcpy(this_month.main_event, "");


    bool read_month(int _month, smonth& the_month);
    void write_month(int _month, smonth& the_month);
    void write_month(){
      write_month(month, this_month);

    void set_event(char event[]); 

    void inc_events(){ this_month.events++; }

    void print();

If something is unclear, please ask, I know that it is a lot code for a post.