I don't know if this is a common problem or not. Essentially I've been programming "on and off" for some time. I'm generally familiar with all the syntax and can complete many basic tasks with a reference text somewhere near by. The problem though, is that I can never seem to become as conversant in the language as I would like to be, mainly because I keep taking on things which are too large, and I never finish.

Like many things I feel like you make a completely separate mental connection while reading about programming as opposed to actually doing it. So I was wondering if there was maybe a reference someone knew about (I couldn't find one in the tutorials) that had a list of practice exercises to complete, say like 10 or 20 in increasing order of difficulty. Kind of like the thing you would get in a college programming class, but you know, without tuition costs or time constraints that would interfere with my day job. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!