I'm writing this for a school project (yes I know it's messy, it's basicly fill in the blanks in the code the prof gave us). I have everything working but getting option 8 to work. It's supposed to reorder the index so it's in alphabetical order by title.

here's the code, maybe you could help me? I can't figure out why 8 isn't working.

#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>    // For setw()
#include <string.h>     // For strcmp()

const int MAX_Songs = 3;   // Maximum number of MP3s
int index = 0;

struct MP_Three
    char     Title [15];
    char     Artist[15];
    char     Genre[15];   

int main()
    MP_Three Collection[MAX_Songs]; // collection (Array) of MP3s
    char     CurrentTitle [15];
    char     CurrentArtist[15];
    char     CurrentGenre[15];
	bool operator<(const MP_Three& a) {
       //comparison operator...this allows you to sort MP_Three objects just like ints
           return (strcmp(this->Title,a.Title) > 0);
	int length = 0;        // Number of entries
    MP_Three CurrentSong;             // Current record being entered
    int op;
    while(op != 9)
        cout << "*** choose an operation ***"<<endl;
        cout << "1 Add a MP3 Collection"<<endl;
        cout << "2 Search by Title"<<endl;
        cout << "3 Search by Artist"<<endl;
        cout << "4 View Entries" << endl;
        cout << "5 Edit Entries" << endl;
        cout << "6 Search by Genre" << endl;
        cout << "7 Delete MP3" << endl;
        cout << "8 Sort Entries (Not Completed)" << endl;
		cout << "9 Quit"<< endl<<endl;
        //User Selections
        if (op == 1)  //Add an Mp3
            index = 0;
            while (index < MAX_Songs)
            cout << "Enter the Title of MP3: ";
            cin >> Collection[index].Title;
            cout << "Enter the Artist: ";
            cin >> Collection[index].Artist;
            cout << "Enter the Genre: ";
            cin >> Collection[index].Genre;

        if (op == 2)  //Search By Title

            cout << "Enter Title: "<<endl;
            cin >> CurrentTitle;
            int found = 0;       
            int k;
            for (k = 0; k < MAX_Songs; k++)
                if (strcmp(CurrentTitle, Collection[k].Title) == 0)
                index = k;
                cout<<endl<<CurrentTitle<<" found at index "<< index<<endl<<endl;
                cout<<"Title: "<<Collection[index].Title<<endl;
                cout<<"Artist: "<<Collection[index].Artist<<endl;
                cout<<"Genre: "<<Collection[index].Genre<<endl;
                found = 1;
        if (found == 0)
                cout<<endl<< "MP3 record not found"<<endl<<endl;
        if (op == 3)  //SEARCH BY ARTIST
                cout << "Enter Artist"<<endl;
            cin >> CurrentArtist;

            int found = 0;       
            int k;
            for (k = 0; k < MAX_Songs; k++)
                if (strcmp(CurrentArtist, Collection[k].Artist) == 0)
                index = k;
                cout<<endl<<CurrentArtist<<" found at index "<< index<<endl<<endl;

                cout<<"Title: "<<Collection[index].Title<<endl;
                cout<<"Artist: "<<Collection[index].Artist<<endl;
                cout<<"Genre: "<<Collection[index].Genre<<endl;
                found = 1;
        if (op == 4) //View Entries
            int i;
        for (i = 0; i < MAX_Songs; i++)
            cout << "Title: " << Collection[i].Title << endl;
            cout << "Artist: " << Collection[i].Artist << endl;
            cout << "Genre " <<Collection[i].Genre << endl << endl;
        if (op == 5)  //Edit Mp3 Info


            cout << "Enter Title"<<endl;
            cin >> CurrentTitle;
            int found = 0;       
            int k;
            for (k = 0; k < MAX_Songs; k++)
                if (strcmp(CurrentTitle, Collection[k].Title) == 0)
                index = k;
                cout<<endl<<CurrentTitle<<" found at index "<< index<<endl<<endl;
                cout<<"Title: "<<Collection[index].Title<<endl;
                cout<<"Artist: "<<Collection[index].Artist<<endl;
                cout<<"Genre: "<<Collection[index].Genre<<endl;
                found = 1;

            if (found == 0)
                cout<<endl<< "MP3 record not found"<<endl<<endl;
            cout << "Enter the new song Title of the MP3 ";
            cin >> Collection[index].Title;
            cout << "Enter the new Artist ";
            cin >> Collection[index].Artist;
            cout << "Enter the new Genre ";
            cin >> Collection[index].Genre;

        if (op == 6) //SEARCH BY GENRE
            cout << "Enter Genre: "<<endl;
            cin >> CurrentGenre;

            int found = 0;       
            int k;
            for (k = 0; k < MAX_Songs; k++)
                if (strcmp(CurrentGenre, Collection[k].Genre) == 0)
                index = k;
                cout<<endl<<CurrentGenre<<" found at index "<< index<<endl<<endl;

                cout<<"Title: "<<Collection[index].Title<<endl;
                cout<<"Artist: "<<Collection[index].Artist<<endl;
                cout<<"Genre: "<<Collection[index].Genre<<endl;
                found = 1;
        if (op ==7) //DELETE MP3

            cout << "Enter Title"<<endl;
            cin >> CurrentTitle;
            int found = 0;       
            int k;
            for (k = 0; k < MAX_Songs; k++)
                if (strcmp(CurrentTitle, Collection[k].Title) == 0)
                index = k;
                cout<<endl<<CurrentTitle<<" found at index "<< index<<endl<<endl;
                found = 1;

            if (found == 0)
                cout<<endl<< "MP3 record not found"<<endl<<endl;
			cout << "Enter New Information to Delete Old MP3"<<endl;
            cout << "Enter New Title: ";
            cin >> Collection[index].Title;
            cout << "Enter new Artist: ";
            cin >> Collection[index].Artist;
            cout << "Enter new Genre: ";
            cin >> Collection[index].Genre;

		if(opp ==8) 
				cout<< "Mp3s Sorted";

    return 0;