Just for fun, if anyone wants to help.
So I have this little code:

	Stuff::CArray<char> Array;
	double max_ = pow(10.0, 8.6);
	DWORD dwTick1 = GetTickCount();
	int max = (int)max_;

	for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
		Array[i] = 12; //12345678;

	DWORD dwTick2 = GetTickCount();
	DWORD dwTick3 = dwTick2 - dwTick1;
	cout << "Took " << dwTick3 << " ms total.\n";
...And I want to optimize it a little further, but it's kind of out of my hands right now.
It's blazingly fast and according to the profiler, the loop is the culprit.

 	Address  	Line 	Trace 	Source                         	Code Bytes      	Total &#37; 	Timer samples 	
 	0x401de6 	     	      	cmp edi,[esp+14h]              	3B 7C 24 14     	        	              	
 	0x401dea 	     	      	jnz $+15h (0x401dff)           	75 13           	5.76    	218           	
 	0x401dec 	     	      	lea esp,[esp+00h]              	8D 64 24 00     	        	              	
 	0x401df0 	     	      	lea esi,[esp+14h]              	8D 74 24 14     	        	              	
 	0x401df4 	     	      	call $-00000c24h (0x1004011d0) 	E8 D7 F3 FF FF  	        	              	
 	0x401df9 	     	      	cmp [esp+14h],edi              	39 7C 24 14     	        	              	
 	0x401dfd 	     	      	jbe $-0dh (0x100401df0)        	76 F1           	        	              	
 	0x401dff 	     	      	mov ecx,[esp+24h]              	8B 4C 24 24     	        	              	
 	0x401e03 	     	      	mov [ecx+edi],0ch              	C6 04 39 0C     	5.61    	212           	
 	0x401e07 	     	      	inc edi                        	47              	11.03   	417           	
 	0x401e08 	     	      	cmp edi,ebx                    	3B FB           	0.03    	1             	
 	0x401e0a 	     	      	jl $-24h (0x100401de6)         	7C DA           	5.24    	198           	

1 file, 1 function, 1 line, 12 instructions, Summary: 1046 samples, 100.00% of module samples, 27.66% of total samples
If anyone have any pointers on how to optimize the loop in assembly? It's blazingly fast considering what it's actually doing, so I just wanted to see how much more performance can be gained through this code, to decrease the execution time from 1.6s to lower!

What it does is a dynamic array that allocates more memory on-the-fly as you insert elements. Considering it's actually adding 10 ^ 8.6 bytes of memory, I say it's pretty efficient!

Pretty please? ^_^
I'm not an assembly expert.