I'm having a problem with inheritance and a container.
Basically I have Graphic2D --> Polygon --> Rectangle (--> = parent of). The Graphic2D class is abstract and defines the interface the child classes, but without implementing any of them. The polygon defines the render() method that is to be used by itself and Rectangle. This is declared as a pure virtual function in Graphic2D.

Inside another class I have a list container containing pointers to Graphic2D objects. When I iterate over this container and call the render() method on each object I get a runtime error relating to a pure virtual function call. I have done various tests and know 100% that it is calling the Graphic2D render() function every time.

My understanding is that calling render() on these objects should call those in the child classes. Isn't that one of the whole points of polymorphism? I have recently started using namespaces too and I'm not sure if this has messed my inheritance structure in a way I don't understand.

Help very much appreciated. My code is below.

//From renderer class - much more available if needed.
void Renderer::RenderAll() {

	for (it = items.begin() ; it != items.end() ; it++) {
		cout << "item for" << endl;
		(*it)->render();                                                          /// calling line
	/*for (int i = 200 ; i < 400 ; i++) {

	d3ddev->Clear(0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0, 0, 0), 1.0f, 0);

	init_graphics();    // call the function to initialize the objects


	d3ddev->SetFVF(CUSTOMFVF);	// select which vertex format we are using
	d3ddev->SetStreamSource(0, t_buffer, 0, sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEX));	// select the vertex buffer to display
	d3ddev->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_POINTLIST, 0, screen.size());	// copy the vertex buffer to the back buffer

    d3ddev->Present(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);


////////////////////////////Entire Graphic2D.hpp file - no corresponding cpp file

#include "Colour.hpp"
#include "Vec2D.hpp"

namespace MGL { //My Graphics Library
	class Graphic2D {
			virtual ~Graphic2D() {};

			Colour colour;
			Colour fill_colour;
			short thickness;
			Vec2D<float> location;
			Vec2D<short> orientation;

			virtual void render() = 0;
			virtual void fill() = 0;


//////// Polygon.hpp and Polygon.cpp
#include <vector>
#include "Graphic2D.hpp"
#include "Line2D.hpp"
#include "Vec2D.hpp"

namespace MGL { //My Graphics Library

	class Polygon : public Graphic2D {
			vector< Vec2D<float> > vertices;

			Polygon(vector< Vec2D<float> > & vertices);
			virtual ~Polygon();

			void addVertex(Vec2D<float> & vertex);

			virtual void render();
			virtual void fill();

#include "Polygon.hpp"
using namespace MGL;
using namespace std;

namespace MGL {
	Polygon::Polygon() {
		vertices = vector< Vec2D<float> >(0);
		orientation = Vec2D<short>(0,0);

	Polygon::Polygon(vector< Vec2D<float> > & vertices) {
		location = vertices[0];
		this->vertices = vertices;
		orientation = Vec2D<short>(0,0);

	Polygon::~Polygon() {

	void Polygon::render() {
		cout << "polygon render" << endl;
		int size = vertices.size();
		for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++) {
			Line2D(vertices[i], vertices[(i+1) % size]).render();

	void Polygon::fill() {


	void Polygon::addVertex(Vec2D<float> & v) {
		if (vertices.size() == 0) {
			location = v;

/////////////Rectangle.hpp and Rectangle.cpp
#include "Vec2D.hpp"
#include "Polygon.hpp"
#include "Line2D.hpp"
#include "Graphic2D.hpp"

namespace MGL { //My Graphics Library

	class Rectangle : public Polygon {

			Rectangle(Vec2D<float> & location, float width, float height);
			Rectangle(Vec2D<float> & location, float width);
			void fill();

#include "Rectangle.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace MGL;

namespace MGL {
	Rectangle::Rectangle() {

	Rectangle::Rectangle(Vec2D<float> & location, float width, float height = -1) {
		if (height == -1) {
			height = width;

		this->location = location;
		float x = location.getX();
		float y = location.getY();
		vertices[0] = location;
		vertices[1] = Vec2D<float>(x+width, y);
		vertices[2] = Vec2D<float>(x+width, y+height);
		vertices[3] = Vec2D<float>(x, y+height);

	Rectangle::Rectangle(Vec2D<float> & location, float width) {
		this->location = location;
		float x = location.getX();
		float y = location.getY();
		vertices = vector< Vec2D<float> >(4);
		vertices[0] = location;
		vertices[1] = Vec2D<float>(x+width, y);
		vertices[2] = Vec2D<float>(x+width, y+width);
		vertices[3] = Vec2D<float>(x, y+width);

	Rectangle::~Rectangle() {

	void Rectangle::fill() {
		int x1 = (int) vertices[0].getX();
		int y1 = (int) vertices[0].getY();
		int width = (int) vertices[1].getX() - x1;
		int height = (int) vertices[2].getY() - y1;
		for (int y = y1; y < y1 + height; y++) {
			Line2D(Vec2D<float>(x1+1,y), Vec2D<float>(x1+width,y)).render();
Sorry for the mammoth amounts, but unsure where the problem lies.