First of all, hi, this is my first post.

Made evident by the title, I'm planning on starting programming as early as I can, because I know for sure that it will be my career. What I've yet to decide though, is whether to take start off with Java or C++. Considering where I'm posting, I fully expect a biased response, but I really need opinions.

My long-term goal is to write games/software, but I'm not just looking at the end product. I know that it will take a lot of learning and devotion to get there, and I'm perfectly willing to go through that.

I've been through the first handful of tutorials on C++ provided here, and though I've barely scratched upon its surface, and don't completely understand it all, I can already tell that learning it will pay off.

I've also poked around some Java tutorials (which were a lot harder to understand than Cprogramming's C++ tutorials), and it seems that Java is a better language to use for interactive games (correct me if I'm wrong), which is what I hope to get into soon.

Basically what I'm asking for are some simple projects in both C++ and Java, to see which I prefer, and then online lessons or book references to get me started.

Thanks for your time.

- Paragon