Thread: varible initiliazation error's

  1. #1
    neopyhte Labmouse's Avatar
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    Aug 2007

    varible initiliazation error's

    hi ,

    have iniatilised some varibles in a seperate header fill so that they are global,but when i go to change them in main() i keep getting errors.
    here's the header file:
    #ifndef GoblinGlobal_h
    #define GoblinGlobal_h
    int paladinHealth=0;
    int paladinIni=0;
    int paladinStr=0;
    int paladinAc=0;
    int fighterHealth=0;
    int fighterIni=0;
    int fighterStr=0;
    int fighterAc=0;
    and heres the part in main,its a part of a switch case:
    		case 1:
    			cout<<"press enter for Paladins stats"<<endl;
    			int paladinHealth=76+dieRoll(6,4);
    			int paladinIni=dieRoll(6,3);
    			int paladinStr=76+dieRoll(6,3);
    			int paladinAc=dieRoll(6,3);
                cout<<"Paladin health="<<paladinHealth<<endl;
    			cout<<"Paladin iniative="<<paladinIni<<endl;
    			cout<<"Paladin strength="<<paladinStr<<endl;
    			cout<<"Paladin Armour="<<paladinAc<<endl;
    		case 2:
    			cout<<"press enter for Fighters stats"<<endl;
                int fighterHealth=76+dieRoll(6,4);
    			int fighterIni=dieRoll(6,3);
    			int fighterStr=76+dieRoll(6,3);
    			int fighterAc=dieRoll(6,3);
    nd finially here's the error log:
    c:\users\ghetto smurf\documents\c++ source\goblinsmacker\goblinsmacker\goblinsmacker.cpp(23) : warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'time_t' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data
    c:\users\ghetto smurf\documents\c++ source\goblinsmacker\goblinsmacker\goblinsmacker.cpp(52) : error C2360: initialization of 'paladinAc' is skipped by 'case' label
            c:\users\ghetto smurf\documents\c++ source\goblinsmacker\goblinsmacker\goblinsmacker.cpp(44) : see declaration of 'paladinAc'
    c:\users\ghetto smurf\documents\c++ source\goblinsmacker\goblinsmacker\goblinsmacker.cpp(52) : error C2360: initialization of 'paladinStr' is skipped by 'case' label
            c:\users\ghetto smurf\documents\c++ source\goblinsmacker\goblinsmacker\goblinsmacker.cpp(43) : see declaration of 'paladinStr'
    c:\users\ghetto smurf\documents\c++ source\goblinsmacker\goblinsmacker\goblinsmacker.cpp(52) : error C2360: initialization of 'paladinIni' is skipped by 'case' label
            c:\users\ghetto smurf\documents\c++ source\goblinsmacker\goblinsmacker\goblinsmacker.cpp(42) : see declaration of 'paladinIni'
    c:\users\ghetto smurf\documents\c++ source\goblinsmacker\goblinsmacker\goblinsmacker.cpp(52) : error C2360: initialization of 'paladinHealth' is skipped by 'case' label
            c:\users\ghetto smurf\documents\c++ source\goblinsmacker\goblinsmacker\goblinsmacker.cpp(41) : see declaration of 'paladinHealth'
    Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\ghetto smurf\Documents\C++ SOURCE\GoblinSmacker\GoblinSmacker\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
    GoblinSmacker - 4 error(s), 1 warning(s)
    ========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

    I know the prog is naff,just trying to put together all i have read(and hopefully learnt) before i move on,any help appreciated.
    I'm using ms visual 2005 express

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    Why are you redeclaring your int variables inside your switch/case ?

    Also, your header file (bad that it is) should contain only declarations, not initialisations.

    // This in the header file
    int paladinHealth;

    // This as a global variable in ONE source file
    int paladinHealth=0;

    How about paladin.cpp,.h and fighter.cpp,.h files ?
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
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  3. #3
    neopyhte Labmouse's Avatar
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    so i should have a paladin.h file where i should just declare:
    int paladinHealth;
    and then in paladin.cpp i should :
    int main()
    I left out most of the code.I shouldnt do this again:
    int main()
    int paladinHealth=76+dieroll(6,3)
    I think im just confusing myself bear with me im new to c++


  4. #4
    neopyhte Labmouse's Avatar
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    Aug 2007
    done as you said salem and the prog is working fine.thanks.

    As a rule of thumb in header files i should only:

    1)only declare varibles if they are global,not initialise them
    2)only insert function prototypes not definitions.

    just one question.What do you mean by havng a paladin.cpp and fighter.cpp files?I have just put both char generation's into main.

    Thanks anyhow


  5. #5
    Kernel hacker
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    As a hint, I would suggest that you declare the variables in the header file as "extern int blah;"

    This will ensure that you get a compiler error if you then FORGET to introduce the variable in your single .c file that holds the actual variables and their initialization [of course, global variables are always guaranteed to be zero - so you don't need to say "int blah = 0;" - but in cases where you want to initialize to a different value, that will be helpful].

    Compilers can produce warnings - make the compiler programmers happy: Use them!
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  6. #6
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    It's not a good idea to put any type of variable, declaration or definition into a header file. If more than one .cpp file includes that header, you'll get identical symbols linking error. Instead, declare your variables inside a .cpp file and if you want other .cpp files to access those variables, declare them as "extern" in the header file, telling the compiler they exist, but not in the current .cpp file.

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