
struct chr {
char *name;
char *lname;
int level;
int bwis;
int bint;
int bstr;
int bdex;
int bagi;
int wisc;
int intc;
int strc;
int dexc;
int agic;
int gold;
int silver;
int ac;
int hp;
int maxhp;
int mana;
int maxmana;
int move;
int maxmove;
int pos;
char Race;
char Class;
int contents[50];
int roomnum;

I have several chr files which I need to work with together. For example, I'd like to be able to hold like 3000 of these structs together.
chr playerlist[3000]; works but I want to be able to delete chrs (shift them down when a user logs off for example).
Thanks for the help,
