pictures are word a thousand words, so here is what i need to do...
i got a dynamic part of D done, (kinda easy, but little crazy with dynamic delete/add :P) then i try and point the pointer of pointers to D... this is where i get confused. i make a pointer of pointer
**P and **Q
i make the pointer array of D, then make the pointer point to an array of the size of D
*P = new int[DSize];
*Q = new int[DSize];
now i get lost...
i want to make the *P to make the space for the size D, then i want those pointers, **P, to point to the locations of D, but i can figure it out... i can do it with a single pointer *P, but as soon as i do it with a double pointer P, it wont let me do anything with the dynamic array... i even tried casting it as (int *), which works, but it doesn't change a **** thing. any hints?
here is my pathetic attempt to make the make the pointer go to D in my code...
*P = D;
*Q = D;