Here's the current program. I really didn't change anything except for the semicolon after the int main line. You guys were right, the debug setting was disabled. I changed it to program database format (/Zi) but the output is still the same, just a blank screen.

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main (int nNumberofArgs, char * pszArgs[])
	//enter the temperature in celsius
	int celsius;
	cout <<"Enter the temperature in celsius: ";
	cin >> celsius;
	//calculate conversion factor for celsius to fahrenheit
	int factor;
	factor = 212 - 32;
	//use conversion factor to convert celsius into fahrenheit value
	int fahrenheit;
	fahrenheit = factor * celsius/100 + 32;

	//output the results (followed by an Newline)
	cout <<"Fahrenheit value is: ";
	cout <<fahrenheit <<endln;

	//wait until user is ready before terminating program to allow the
	//user to see the program results
	system ("PAUSE");
	return 0;
What could possibly be missing here?