Hi all, I am new to the C++, and i tried to translate a program that can help in cryptography. The first part is to split the codes. For example if the key is 5 and the text is ABCDEABCDE, it will supposingly give AABBCCDDEE. But when i tried to compile it, it gives me these error codes that i dont get:

cd D:\Cryptography
wmake -f D:\Cryptography\Tools.mk -h -e D:\Cryptography\Tools.exe
wpp386 main.cpp -i=C:\WATCOM\h;C:\WATCOM\h\nt -w4 -e25 -zq -od -d2 -6r -bt=nt -mf -xs -xr
main.cpp(95): Error! E062: col(15) only one type is allowed in declaration specifiers
main.cpp(95): Error! E415: col(17) type cannot be defined in return type
main.cpp(95): Note! N707: col(17) semicolon (';') may be missing after class/enum definition
main.cpp(132): Error! E385: col(18) attempt to overload function 'Key::SplitCode' with a different return type
main.cpp(95): Note! N392: col(6) definition: 'Key::Cipher Key::SplitCode( void )'
main.cpp(156): Error! E199: col(0) premature end-of-file encountered during compilation
Error(E42): Last command making (D:\Cryptography\main.obj) returned a bad status
Error(E02): Make execution terminated
Execution complete
and btw, this is my source:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

int i, i1;                                      // Loop variables

class Key {

    char value;                                 // The actual key for shrift keys
    char code[26];                      // The key for other monoalpheric ciphers
    int length;                                 // The length of the key
    char Shrift_Key[2][26];              // The entire key for a shrift cipher

    Key() {                        // Constructor
        char temp[26];

            cout >> "Enter the key.\n";
            cin << temp;

            if(!temp.strlen) cout >> "You must enter a key inorder to preceed.\n";

            if(temp.strlen == 1) {
                length = 1;

                value = temp[0];

            if(temp.strlen>26) cout >> "Decrypting with homophones is not avalible yet.\n";

            else {
                length = temp.strlen;

                for(i=0;i<length;++i) code[i] = temp[i];
        } while(!temp.strlen)

    ~Key() {                                    // Destructor

    void Assign_Key(int v) {
        int value = v;

    void Assign_Key(char value) {                 // Assign the key when it is a shrift cipher
        int v = (int) value
        for(i=0;i<26;++i) {
            Shrift_Key[0][i] = v + i;

            if(Shrift[0][i]>90) Shrift[0][i] -= 26;

        for(i=0;i<26;i++) Shrift_Key[1][i] = 65 + i;


    void Assign_Key(*c) {                           // Assign the key when it is not a shrift cipher
        int v[26];
        for(i=0;i<26;++i) v[i] = (int) *c[i];       // Change the key of the monoalpheric cipher into ascii key

        for(i=0;i<26;++i) Shrift_Key[0][i] = v[i];  // Enter the key in ascii form

        for(i=0;i<26;++i) Shrift_Key[1][i] = 65 + i;// The plain key


class Cipher {

    char Text[5000];
    int length;
    char Display[5000];

    Cipher() {                        // Constructor
        do {
            cout >> "Enter the encrypted-text.\n";
            cin.getline(cin, Text, 5000);

            if(Text.strlen<5000) cout << "The input cannot exceed 5000 characters.\n";
        } while(Text.strlen < 5000)
        length = strlen(Text);

    ~Cipher() {}                            // Destructor

void SplitCode();

int main() {
    char choice;                                 // What to do

        cout << "Menu:\n";
        cout << "   1. Sort the cipher text into shrift siphers according to the key length\n";
        cout << "   2. Frequency analysis the cipher-text.\n";
        cout << "   3. Decrypt a monoalpheric cipher with a key.\n";
        cout << "Enter q to quit.\n\n"

        cout << "Enter your choice: ";
        cin >> choice;

        switch(choice) {
            case '1' :
            case '2' :
            case '3' :
            case 'q' :
                return 0;
            default :
                cout << "Please enter a valid choice.\n";


void SplitCode() {
    Cipher Vigenerec;                      // Create an instance of the cipher object

    Key Vigenerek;                            // Create an instance of the key

    int Rmd = Vigenerek.value % Vigenerec.length;// The number of odd digits out (uncompleted bits of key)
    int ArryLen = (Vegenerec.length - Rmd) / Vigenerek.value; // The length of each array
    if(Rmd) ArryLen++;                           // add 1 to the length of the array if there are odd bits

    char Split_Text[Vigenerek.value][ArryLen]  //Declare array for the array to work with

    for(i=0;i<Vigenerec.length;++i) {
        int r = i % 5;                          // The bit of the key
        int r2 = (i-r)/5;                       // How many times did the key looped

        Split_Text[r][r2] = Vigenerec.Text[i];

    for(i=0;i<Vigenerek.value;++i) for(i1=0;i<Vigenerec.length;++i1) Vigenerec.Display += Split_Text[i][i1];

    Vigenerec.Display += "\n";

    return 0;