I tried making a simple file encrypter....

what it does it open a file, get 1 char by char. take that char and add the "key" to it..

So char "A" which is 65 added to (lets say key is 1) 1 is 66 which is "B"

the dycrpted would decrypt this but i cant compile it. And please check for errors or any suggestions, and if this program will work

These are teh compile errors under cl.exe
xcrypt.cpp(37) : error C2362: initialization of 'make' is skipped by 'goto end'
        xcrypt.cpp(27) : see declaration of 'make'
xcrypt.cpp(37) : error C2362: initialization of 'make' is skipped by 'goto end'
        xcrypt.cpp(27) : see declaration of 'make'
xcrypt.cpp(37) : error C2362: initialization of 'read' is skipped by 'goto end'
        xcrypt.cpp(19) : see declaration of 'read'
the code:


int main()
	char Filename[50], chr;
	int Key;
	cout<<"Enter Filename To Encrypt";
	cout<<"Enter Key # (1-10)";

	if(Key>10){ // Checks if key is no greater then 10
		cout<<"Invalid Key";
		goto end;
	ifstream read;

	if(!read){ // Checks if file exists
			cout<<"Unable To Open File";
			goto end;
	ofstream make; // Creats file "Encrypted.tmp"

		read.get(chr); // Gets chr
		chr = chr + Key; // Takes the char and adds to it 'Key'
		make<<chr; // Writes Encrypted chr

	return 0;
