Hi, i have some code that compares a string like ten times and accordinly to that string a type is returned:

Server::MessageTypes Server::getMessageType(const char* message)
	int   index   = strcspn(message, " ");
	char* command = new char[index + 1];

	strncpy(command, message, index);
	command[index] = '\0';

	if (strcmp(command, "AUTH") == 0)
		delete [] command;

		return AUTH;
	else if (strcmp(command, "QUERY") == 0)
		delete [] command;

		return QUERY;
		delete [] command;

		return INVALID;
But i wanted to make this code more flexible by using C++ maps. For example: a person adds a key like: "APPVER" in the map and the value will be a int APPVER (defined in a enum). So i came up with the following code:

void Server::addCommand(const char* command, int id)
      map[command] = id;

Server::MessageTypes  Server::getMessageType(const char* message)
	int   index   = strcspn(message, " ");
	char* command = new char[index + 1];

	strncpy(command, message, index);
	command[index] = '\0';

        int value = map[command];

	delete [] command;

       return value;
But i was a litlle afraid, since this function is called many times, of this map solution decreasing my performance. I wanted a suggestion...

Thank you.