Hey guys

I need to store lots of values in a dynamic-sized array, so I opted for vectors. I've had some problems in the past trying to do something similar so I'm asking for someone to please give me a code sample of something basic of what I want to archieve. I need to store the following values:

string username;
int hour;
int min;
int sec;
string lastLine;
bool caps;
bool chars;

And maybe some more. I don't have the code I've been using right now (that's why I'm asking to please make me some code sample I can try later) but if I can recall correctly, I had problems with getting the vector size... if I tried to get it in main() where I created a new record (vector.push_back() ), vector.size() returned the right value (1), but if I tried to get it from another function, vector.size() would return 6!... it's confusing and it's been driving me nuts this week :/...

If anybody could lend me a hand here I'd be really glad. I'll try to post the code I'm using in a few hours when I wake up and go to work :P

Thanks in advance